Continuing Angel and Eve's story from Severed Angel.
Eve returns home unaware danger is hot on her heels. Will Satan get the revenge he
seeks, will Angel save the woman he loves or will Ink get the woman he deserves.
The nail biting conclusion to the story that crosses two continents...
Book Two in a two part story.
The long flight home would have been a hell of a lot worse if it hadn't been for
the woman sitting by my side. She'd initially taken one look at my tear stained face
as I sat down beside her and left me alone. However, once we'd been in the air for a
couple of hours, she decided I'd wallowed in my own misery long enough.
the woman sitting by my side. She'd initially taken one look at my tear stained face
as I sat down beside her and left me alone. However, once we'd been in the air for a
couple of hours, she decided I'd wallowed in my own misery long enough.
"I don't want to interfere honey, but are you okay?" She has such a concerned
look on her face that I can't be rude and not answer her. Besides, I feel like I do
need to talk to someone. The silence of holding it all in is driving me crazy, and I
know my mum won't want to hear about it when I get home. I don't even think she'll
notice that I'm sad.
look on her face that I can't be rude and not answer her. Besides, I feel like I do
need to talk to someone. The silence of holding it all in is driving me crazy, and I
know my mum won't want to hear about it when I get home. I don't even think she'll
notice that I'm sad.
"Not really, it's been a rough few weeks." She gives me a sad smile, and I
laugh brokenly at the insanity of recent events. "I almost got killed, met the man of
my dreams, and now I'm going home without him." Saying the words aloud releases
a fresh bout of tears. I wipe at them and try to calm myself, but images of Gabe
when I last saw him make me sad.
laugh brokenly at the insanity of recent events. "I almost got killed, met the man of
my dreams, and now I'm going home without him." Saying the words aloud releases
a fresh bout of tears. I wipe at them and try to calm myself, but images of Gabe
when I last saw him make me sad.
One hand reaches over to pat my back gently, while the other offers me a
tissue which I gladly accept. I'm feeling a tiny bit better already. "Well, we've a long
flight ahead of us, why don't you tell me all about it? A problem shared is a problem
halved." She smiles over at me. "My name's Elle, and I'm pleased to meet you."
I turn to look at this kind stranger. She's beautiful, looks a little older than me
with long blonde tresses falling past her shoulders. If it hadn't been for the ripped
jeans and band t-shirt I'd have sworn she was a model. Hell maybe she is, she
certainly looks the part. She also has one of those personalities that you seem to
warm to, instantly. My gut tells me I can trust this woman, and this time I'm going to
listen to it.
She spends the next couple of hours listening to my story after I introduce
myself. Her face goes through a whole host of emotions, laughter, sadness and
downright shock to horror. I guess looking back, it's the kind of thing you see in the
movies or read about in books. It just wasn't supposed to happen in real life, but it
did. I'm glad she doesn't seem critical of the MC way of life either. I think I would
have been if our roles were reversed. Instead, she just seems concerned for me.
"Do you love Gabe?" She queries. I take a deep breath before answering
"When I left I thought I did, but was scared that it was just lust for him. By the
time I got to the airport I knew it was true, I do love him." I hunt through my bag for
my phone, it's in flight mode so I flick through some of the pictures I took during my
time in Australia. I want to remember my time there. I find a picture of me and Teresa
with Pres and Gabe standing behind us and show Elle. Her eyes widen as she takes
in the sexy men in the picture and I nod my head. I totally understand her reaction.
All that hotness in tattoos and leather is eye wideningly orgasmic.
I've just put my phone away when Elle takes my hand in hers, gently patting
it. "It's not too late Eve. Go home, give your daughter the biggest and longest hug,
then find a way to talk to your man and see if there's anything there on his side."
She's right, I need to talk to Gabe to find out how he really feels. If this is all
one sided then I need to buck up my ideas and stop pining, and if it isn't , I need to
work out what to do about it.
"Thanks Elle, I feel better for talking it through with you." Whilst I still haven't
resolved my situation, at least now I have a better idea of what to do when I get
I realize I've been monopolizing the conversation for the last few hours and feel
slightly guilty. "Enough about my troubles, why don't you tell me all about you?" I'm
not just being polite, I really do want to get to know Elle better.
Elle shares that she's a freelance writer. Her current assignment is for an
online travel magazine who are doing a feature on European holidays for singles.
She's coming to the UK for a couple of weeks and staying in London, York,
Newcastle and Edinburgh.
"I don't believe it! I live in York. Can we meet up and I'll show you the sights." I
beg. It would be great to show my new friend around, and selfishly I hope it will make
my return a little less lonely. Whilst I'm happy to be seeing Elizabeth again, there's
only so much two year old chatter you can stand before needing adult company. For
some reason I felt an instant connection with Elle.
"That would be great." Elle beams at me. Her beautiful smile lights up her
whole face. "We'll sort the dates out before we land, but for now tell me more about
this Ink character, he sounds yummy."
I have to laugh at her choice of words, I'm not sure yummy is a word I'd use
to describe Ink. It's the sort of word you use to talk about a fit mother in the nursery
playground, not a hunk of tattooed hotness in an MC club.
I tell her about his very short, dark hair, his muscled, tattooed arms, the hint of
tattoos on his back and chest I'd caught glimpses of, but mostly about his character.
Ink was my friend from the beginning, he was there for me when others turned their
backs. Just thinking about Ink brings a smile to my face. Even though we went
through an awkward stage when I found out his true feelings for me, I was glad we
cleared it up before I left.
"Holy hell," Elle swoons, "you've got to set me up with an introduction when I
fly home." It will be good to have an opportunity to chat to Ink again, so I assure Elle
I'll do my best for her. Besides, Elle's a freaking goddess, I'm sure Ink will be grateful
for the introduction.
The rest of the flight passes with mindless chatter. We find we have a lot of
things in common, from favourite authors to music. By the end of the flight it feels like
we've known each other forever. It's the kind of closeness I used to have with Teresa
and I miss that in my life.
tissue which I gladly accept. I'm feeling a tiny bit better already. "Well, we've a long
flight ahead of us, why don't you tell me all about it? A problem shared is a problem
halved." She smiles over at me. "My name's Elle, and I'm pleased to meet you."
I turn to look at this kind stranger. She's beautiful, looks a little older than me
with long blonde tresses falling past her shoulders. If it hadn't been for the ripped
jeans and band t-shirt I'd have sworn she was a model. Hell maybe she is, she
certainly looks the part. She also has one of those personalities that you seem to
warm to, instantly. My gut tells me I can trust this woman, and this time I'm going to
listen to it.
She spends the next couple of hours listening to my story after I introduce
myself. Her face goes through a whole host of emotions, laughter, sadness and
downright shock to horror. I guess looking back, it's the kind of thing you see in the
movies or read about in books. It just wasn't supposed to happen in real life, but it
did. I'm glad she doesn't seem critical of the MC way of life either. I think I would
have been if our roles were reversed. Instead, she just seems concerned for me.
"Do you love Gabe?" She queries. I take a deep breath before answering
"When I left I thought I did, but was scared that it was just lust for him. By the
time I got to the airport I knew it was true, I do love him." I hunt through my bag for
my phone, it's in flight mode so I flick through some of the pictures I took during my
time in Australia. I want to remember my time there. I find a picture of me and Teresa
with Pres and Gabe standing behind us and show Elle. Her eyes widen as she takes
in the sexy men in the picture and I nod my head. I totally understand her reaction.
All that hotness in tattoos and leather is eye wideningly orgasmic.
I've just put my phone away when Elle takes my hand in hers, gently patting
it. "It's not too late Eve. Go home, give your daughter the biggest and longest hug,
then find a way to talk to your man and see if there's anything there on his side."
She's right, I need to talk to Gabe to find out how he really feels. If this is all
one sided then I need to buck up my ideas and stop pining, and if it isn't , I need to
work out what to do about it.
"Thanks Elle, I feel better for talking it through with you." Whilst I still haven't
resolved my situation, at least now I have a better idea of what to do when I get
I realize I've been monopolizing the conversation for the last few hours and feel
slightly guilty. "Enough about my troubles, why don't you tell me all about you?" I'm
not just being polite, I really do want to get to know Elle better.
Elle shares that she's a freelance writer. Her current assignment is for an
online travel magazine who are doing a feature on European holidays for singles.
She's coming to the UK for a couple of weeks and staying in London, York,
Newcastle and Edinburgh.
"I don't believe it! I live in York. Can we meet up and I'll show you the sights." I
beg. It would be great to show my new friend around, and selfishly I hope it will make
my return a little less lonely. Whilst I'm happy to be seeing Elizabeth again, there's
only so much two year old chatter you can stand before needing adult company. For
some reason I felt an instant connection with Elle.
"That would be great." Elle beams at me. Her beautiful smile lights up her
whole face. "We'll sort the dates out before we land, but for now tell me more about
this Ink character, he sounds yummy."
I have to laugh at her choice of words, I'm not sure yummy is a word I'd use
to describe Ink. It's the sort of word you use to talk about a fit mother in the nursery
playground, not a hunk of tattooed hotness in an MC club.
I tell her about his very short, dark hair, his muscled, tattooed arms, the hint of
tattoos on his back and chest I'd caught glimpses of, but mostly about his character.
Ink was my friend from the beginning, he was there for me when others turned their
backs. Just thinking about Ink brings a smile to my face. Even though we went
through an awkward stage when I found out his true feelings for me, I was glad we
cleared it up before I left.
"Holy hell," Elle swoons, "you've got to set me up with an introduction when I
fly home." It will be good to have an opportunity to chat to Ink again, so I assure Elle
I'll do my best for her. Besides, Elle's a freaking goddess, I'm sure Ink will be grateful
for the introduction.
The rest of the flight passes with mindless chatter. We find we have a lot of
things in common, from favourite authors to music. By the end of the flight it feels like
we've known each other forever. It's the kind of closeness I used to have with Teresa
and I miss that in my life.

K.T Fisher
I love reading, it's my favourite hobby. I've always had
ideas for my own books packed into my head so I thought I would write them out for
people to enjoy
Stalk K.T. Fisher
Ava Manello
Passionate reader, blogger, publisher, and author. I love
nothing more tag helping other Indie authors publish their books be that reviewing,
beta reading, formatting or proofreading,
I love erotic suspense that's well written and engages the
reader, and I love promoting the heck out of it over on my book blog.
I've just started a new chapter in my life, I'm a mother, but
most of all I'm me and I'm following my dreams!
Stalk Ava Manello
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Also Available Book One in the story
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