Thursday, September 18, 2014


Coming Home
Rachel Porter, a romance writer, has told her three sons tales of finding their true soul mate since they were just boys. She lives with the belief that there is but one match for every person. Now as men, they have yet to discover their soul mates. That is, until they come home...

Ryan Porter, Rachel’s oldest son, needs a change from his busy city lifestyle. After five years of living in New York and establishing his own real estate firm, something is still missing. When a family tragedy brings Ryan back to his family’s rural home, he meets Tyra. She just might be the catalyst for the change he needs, redirecting the course of his life. But first he must accept his relationship with his parents and embrace Tyra’s secrets.

Goodreads :

Never Coming Home


I have a story to tell, a story I promised never to tell. Hell, it isn't even one I wanted to live through. I just can't keep it inside anymore... now that they're both gone. I have to tell My Story.

Rachel Porter tells her sons about the love of her life, about their father and about their life together.

This novella tells the story of the beginning of the Porter family through the Vietnam War, too many losses and a new beginning. It's a tale her sons won't forget, and one that could change them for all time


About the Author :
Paloma Beck is a Romance Author living a life of contradiction... she's a happily married carpooling mom writing steamy romance. It's almost naughty but she loves it! Paloma writes both contemporary and paranormal romances that are anything but PG. She published her first book in 2012 and hasn't slowed down since. Look for more information on her Website.

With her husband and three sons, the Blue Ridge mountains have been her home for nearly twenty years. There's still a special place in her heart though for New England where she spent her childhood. The lakes of Maine call her name and someday she hopes to find her way back there.

"There's just nothing like sipping coffee in the morning out on a dock. As an admitted caffeine and book addict, I believe a daily dose of espresso and a good book make any day better."

Social Links:
See book details -including excerpts and reviews- on her website at
Facebook :

Twitter : @PalomaBeck

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