Monday, March 23, 2015


Title: Warrior

Series: First to Fight #1

Author: Nicole Blanchard

Cover Design: Cover It! Designs

 Release Date: June 9, 2015


I thought it was just one night.

I knew he was about to leave for a year – no chance for a future.

But our one night together would create memories for a lifetime.

Our paths crossed again, but I had lied, kept a secret from him, one he would
never forgive me for.

But my secret was about to be ripped open. Displayed for the world on national
news. And I had only one way to repair the damage.

I had to trust the man I lied to.

The man I never got the chance to make a life for.

The only man who could save what we had created together.

Author Bio

Nicole Blanchard lives in Florida with her daughter, and their menagerie of animals.
She quit college to chase her own fairy tale that spanned the course of three continents and contained it’s fair share of dragons. Now, she owns her own business and pretends to be an adult.

She survives on a diet of too many books and substantial amounts of root beer and slim jims. When not reading, she’s lavishing attention on her family or inhaling every episode of Charmed and Sex in the City.

Author Links


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