Thursday, September 03, 2015


Title: Phantom Heartstrings

Series: Heartstrings #3

Author: Felicia Lynn

Genre: Contemporary Romance

 Release Date: September 1, 2015


Love comes easy to some. It came easy to me. Loving him was never an issue. Appreciating him was as easy as breathing. Years of living a life of what others viewed as perfection gave me the security I thought was most valuable.

My marriage to Drake is symbolic of what others fight for, yet living in the glass house of perfection is the biggest challenge of my life. Life isn’t always what it seems. People change. Everyone has demons they fight and fighting them in secret to avoid letting others down takes its toll.

Love came easy but maintaining it is a whole different game. I thought the happily ever after would be the end of the story. That wasn’t the case. There’s so much more. It’s only so long before the glass house of perfection is clouded with buried secrets.

Can we overcome this and get back to a place of true happiness, or will I always feel like I’m perfecting my acting skills to save face? Can I ever find the ending to this fairy tale life I wanted so desperately?

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“So, what are we doing today?” As much as I love and want to have this conversation. There’s absolutely NO WAY I can do it with her on my lap. My cock is getting harder by the second.

“Babe, don’t take this the wrong way. I fucking love you sitting on my lap like this but it’s been a long time since your little bit of happiness has been near my boys, and if you don’t get off me, I won’t be responsible for what happens. Long showers only help so much, you know what I mean?” Her cheeks turn pink and she looks down at her lap where she’s sitting noticing my very ready cock, rising between us.

She laughs. “Oh…morning wood!” she stutters out, making fun of me. I grab her, flipping her over onto her back pinning her beneath me.

“No, not morning wood, babe. I’m not twelve. This is thirty –two year old, haven’t had my cock inside my wife in over two months wood.” I press myself onto her body showing her how hard I am and it gets her attention quickly. She blinks quickly waiting to see my next move, but I promised myself I’d let her be the one to make the first move, when she’s ready. So I know I need to get some space between us. “Now, you stay here, where you’re safe from my ravishing and I’ll be right back.”

I run off to the bathroom, closing the door to prevent myself from sneaking a peek at my near naked wife lying in bed after I pinned her, ready to fuck her into tomorrow. Shit. Get yourself together, asshole. I walk over to the sink splashing cold water on my face and take a few deep breaths while trying to think of anything else. I grab my cock and it’s still rock solid. I don’t have time to jump in the shower and jack off, so my only other solution is to go back out there and deal with it. It’s not like it won’t get hard again anyways. Seeing her lying there.

I walk back to the bedroom attempting to disguise the damn elephant in the room, while in my head I’m doing very dirty things to her. She watches me as I walk back into the room, still smiling, clearly attempting to mask her laughter. I sit on the bed, leaving a vast amount of space between us.

Author Bio

Felicia Lynn is a transplanted Florida girl, born and raised, who lives just north of Atlanta, GA with her husband, daughter and cat. She spends most of her days holed up in a cozy chair with a cup of tea and her laptop, writing about the characters that live in her head. When she's not writing you'll find her hanging out with her family and friends! She loves reading, taking long walks, chatting with her Facebook family, and listening to music, especially live music. A self-declared lover of all things baseball, she is obsessed with every aspect of the game!!!
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